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eBook Survey Predicts 'Quality' as the Top Factor for 2012
Survey Shows That Readers Will Shun Poorly Digitized eBooks
Fresh Meadows, NY: Data Conversion Laboratory (DCL), a leading provider of digital publishing services, reports 70 percent of 411 respondents to a survey drawn from a cross section of the publishing industry cited 'quality' as the most important consideration when publishing an eBook. Another important finding is that 63 percent of the respondents plan to publish a digital book in 2012.
"Eighteen months ago, more publishers were concerned about getting their information onto an eBook platform and quality was not the overarching theme it is now," said DCL President and CEO Mark Gross. "The survey demonstrates that the publishing industry realizes consumers will not tolerate typos and bad formatting on a $15 eBook," predicted Gross.
In another shift from tradition, 64 percent of the respondents stated they were interested in publishing non-fiction and technical digital content. This statistic is indicative of an expansion in the use of e-readers from casual reading of novels to a myriad of business and technical applications.
"The survey confirms what we have been hearing from publishers, that while the initial push to digital was important, they are now seeing a need to go with the best partners and to improve their quality control and workflow," said Bill Trippe, vice president and lead analyst at Outsell, Inc. an industry analyst firm. "Digital products are becoming the lifeblood for publishers, and consumers are expecting an optimal experience," he added.
The DCL survey also discovered 43 percent of publishers realized the importance of compatibility with all e-readers, including iPad, MOBI (Kindle), Nook and custom formats. Within the publishers group, the iPad edged out Kindle at 44 percent as an e-reader, versus 36 percent preferring a Kindle.
About Data Conversion Laboratory, Inc.
Founded in 1981, Data Conversion Laboratory, Inc. converts and organizes content to create electronic documents, populate databases, and publish on the web, sustaining long-term strategic relationships with clients spanning all industries, while preparing them for tomorrow's technology. DCL's services help refine conversion strategy, identify redundant content, extract metadata, and transform legacy and future documents to meet clients' needs as technology advances.
DCL is a 100 Top Company in the Digital Content Industry for 2011-2012.