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How to Avoid Costly Mistakes in Mobilizing Content for Mobile Platforms
Data Conversion Laboratory presents a three-part webinar learning series
Fresh Meadows, NY: Data Conversion Laboratory (DCL), a leading provider of digital publishing services, has assembled top experts in digital content management to lead a webinar series on how to avoid costly mistakes when mobilizing information for eBooks, apps, and instant access on mobile platforms.
Ask the Experts, a three-part webinar series starting May 2nd, will cover topics such as how to prepare for content conversion, and answer questions on the challenges facing content owners as they move from traditional and web publishing to digital formats and mobile platforms.
"What to the eye looks like just a simple novel, can contain complexities that may result in a poor quality product; this is magnified with complex technical and reference materials," said Mark Gross, CEO of DCL. "The free webinar series will highlight the approaches that work and offer tips on avoiding expensive and time-consuming pitfalls," added Gross.
The series will be moderated by Jack Molisani, founder of the LavaCon Conference on Digital Media and Content Strategies, and includes content philosopher and content management expert, Joe Gollner of Gnostyx, global content strategist, Val Swisher of Content Rules, and content marketing strategy consultant Scott Abel of The Content Wrangler.
The schedule:
Part 1: Assessing the Convertability of Your Content — May 2nd
Part 2: What Channels Make Sense? — June 14th
Part 3: Planning for the Future — July 25th
About Data Conversion Laboratory, Inc.
DCL (www.dclab.com) is a leader in organizing, converting, and moving content to modern formats for wide access and new revenue streams. With expertise across many industries, DCL's proprietary technology matched with US-based project management teams solve clients' complex conversion challenges securely, accurately and on-time. Serving businesses, government, nonprofits and individuals by future-proofing their content, DCL started in 1981 and is a 100 Top Company in the Digital Content Industry for 2011-2012.